This is not a rock.

One day in 1991, I went swimming in a lake. Going out to the deepest point where I could still tippy-toe touch the bottom, I felt a large, smooth rock with my feet. I could barely dig it out and bring it to the surface. That rock is still with me. I once thought I lost it and was devastated. Six months later, I found it in the trunk of my car. I threw a party to celebrate its return, but it was just us two.

The rocks in this generative artwork are not my rock. They are not rocks. They are not even images of rocks. They're code. But does that matter? If I were to show and ask you "What is this?", you'd probably say "It's a rock". So then, what is it? The title and imagery borrow from René Magritte's paintings Treachery of Images and The Castle of the Pyrenees. Like those paintings, This Is Not A Rock acts as a gateway to introspection and encourages the viewer to question what they are looking at while thinking about the interplay between object, representation, and truth.



Color Palettes

This Is Not A Rock uses 20 hand curated color palettes.



There are 6 distinct methods used to color the texture of the rock.



The granite background comes in either light or dark variations.